About Us
Church Notes

First Missionary Baptist Church Warsaw
Pic. 1: Duplin County AKA
Pic. 2: Duplin County Deltas
Pic. 3 : Sampson County Deltas
Pic. 4: Sampson Omega
Pic. 5: Dr. Nilous Avery and Wife with MLK committee and Pastor
               MLK Day Celebration 2018
Martin Luther King Celebration  2019

Marie Dixon, Chairman
Pic 1   FMBC Choir
Pic 2  Deacon Jesse Williams
Pic 3  WSSU Alumni
Pic 4  WSSU/Dr. Robinson
Pic 5  Nurses Organization
Pic 6  MLK Committee, Pastor,
          Dr. Robinson
Mother Lovis Thomas, ushered by Trustee Johnny Best
Sister Janice Thomas, ushered by Deacon Steven Moore.
Sahman Moore, who sang his first solo, God Kept Me Here.  Musician, Bro Paul Baker.
President Angela Mainor and Mother Loretha McCoy present gift to Rev and Mrs. Thomas
Mother Lovis Thomas gave words of thanks to church on behalf of the family.
Sister Brandolyn Thomas Pinkston, who also gave words of thanks for the family
Son Torrance Thomas thanked the congregation
Rev. Thomas giving closing remarks
Pastor's 10th Anniversary
March 17, 2019
Angela Mainor, Chairman
336 West Hill Street
PO Box 742
Warsaw, North Carolina 28398
Annual Men's Day Celebration 
April 14, 2019

Bro. Johnny Best, Chairman
Deacon Nickie Smith from Andrews Chapel, the Master of Ceremony for the occasion.
Tyler Murphy
Christopher Murphy
Sahmad Moore did a great job on their trio.  We are so proud of them.
Men from around the community come to help us lift of the Name of Jesus on Men's Day..
Women's Day Celebration 
May 19, 2019
Sister Geraldine Wallace, Chairperson
Look Back Praise!

2018 gave us lots of reason to be thankful.  Do you remember these events?
Olive Garden - Goldsboro for Lunch with the First Lady, Sis. Janice Thomas
The Group waiting for Olive Garden to open.  We were early!
Women's Day Collage of Pioneer Women of First Baptist
Choir getting Ready
Mother Mavis Smith giving thank you in her closing remarks.
Sis. Tory Hooper accepting gifts from Mother Smith.  Sister Hooper  gave us insighst on Mental Illness.
The Choir after a job well done.
Minister Geraldine Bryant, isn't she lovely!
Women's Day Committee with Rev. Mary King, our guest speaker for the day and our Pastor Rev. Theodore Thomas.
WD Committee, Rev. Mary King, Sis. Janice Thomas, and Rev. Theodore Thomas
Charlotte, who sang, He Knows My Name, with 5 minutes notice.  God always has a ram in the bush.  Thanks Charlotte!
Wilson Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Choir
Sis. Lucile Frederick gave the welcome address
Sis. Geraldine Moore gave an excerpt from the history of the Missionary Circle History
Some of the Missionaries of First Baptist and Wilson Chapel
More of the Missionaries
Sis. Mary F. McGee sang a solo-God is Good
Appreciation Cook-out for Members of FMBC

Mission Day - June 9, 2019     Sis. Joyce Wade, President
​Family and Friend's Day
June 16, 2019

Honored Family --  Cooper/Williams Family

Chairperson - Sis. Lucille Frederick
Scroll Down to See Pictures
Youth Choir
Youth of the church receiving instruction from Sis. Kimberly Dunn during the Children's Moment
LeAhnie Rivers introduces the speaker of the hour.
Speaker Oshe' Pittman gave an outstanding talk on making good choices for the Annual Youth Day.
Takesha Murphy, Autumn Clark and Amy Zamaro sing "He Knows My Name"
Choir shows off their new shirts--Jesus did it!
Sahmad Moore receives recognition and award from the Duplin County Board of Education.
Annual Youth Day

June 23, 2019
Sis. Earlean Rivers - Chairperson
Members of the waiting congregation
The Musical Guest featuring Bro. George Murphy
Y'Anna and Kemani Rivers singing a duet
D. J. Farland did a comedy act
Earnestine Barksdale sang a solo
Our own Connor Smith, was the speaker for the evening
Our pastor, Rev. Thomas, today (July 27) was his birthday.  We all wish him a happy birthday and many more to come.

The Rainbow Dinner
July 27, 2019

Sis. Diane Herring, Chairperson
Deacon James Brinson one of the unsung heroes at First Baptist is one of our long time members.  Deacon Brinson is a strong supporter of the church and always offers an encouraging word to everyone.
Mother Janie Lowe is another of our unsung heroes. Never looking for any special recognition, but always willing to help in any way that she can.  She too, is an unsung hero.
Rev. Thomas gives the two honorees reasons why he considers the two unsung heroes.  They are selfless in there efforts at First Baptist and we appreciate all that they do.
Mother Janie Lowe makes remarks.
Deacon James Brinson makes remarks.
Our Unsung Heroes
First Place Winner - September

Joyce Wade
Second Place Winner-March

Brenda Dobson
Third Place Winner - July

Marie Dixon
The Annual Birthmonth Rally is a program to raise money for the building fund of the church.  This program has been in existence so long, no one remembers when it started.
Each month has a captain.  Each month tries to out do the other, but September always wins.  It is a lot of fun.
               Men's March for Christmas

This is a program to raise money for the less fortunate for Christmas.  $1875 was raised and will go to three families for Christmas.  All proceeds go to the families.

Sis. Lucille Frederick, Chairperson

The Carlton Sisters  Elisa, Glenda, Bernice
Reginald and Sheila Williams
The Bectons
The Best Family
Diane Herring, Christine Robinson, Mildred Moore, Judge Carol Jones-Wilson
Moderator AJ Connors
Janet Jones and Taneka Moore
Hines Chapel Male Chorus
Rev. Tony Harrington
Deacon Kenneth Best
Men Marching for the Cause
Rev. Gary Moore
All men singing oy to the World
Minister Sonny Smith and wife
Sister Betty Whitfield
Rev. Victor Wilson
Some of pastor that were on program with chairman, Lucille Frederick and co-chairman, Mother Jannie Lowe
FMBC choir at the morning service.
Esther celebrates her 76 birthday on Saturday December 7.  Even though she is a resident of Kenansville rest home, she does not let that dampen her spirit.  She give praise and thanks to God even in her present situation.  She is happier that a lot  of people who are walking around and at home.

Esther Carlton Celebrates Birthday

​Look at that Smile!

Rev. Thomas, Dr. Akinleye, Marie Dixon, Chairperson, Loretha McCoy and Celestine Ford
Dr. Akinleye and members of Chi Iota Omega Chapter of AKA.
The nurses and members of Chi Iota Omega
Nurses sorority and Dr. Akinleye
Valerie Merritt and Loretha McCoy
Rev. Theodore Thomas and Dr. Johnson Akinleye
Dr. Akinleye and a local student at NCCU
Our Minister of Music, DeOndra Peterson and her mother
NCCU graduates
Sylvia Draughn and Loretha McCoy
Mrs. Akinleye, wife of Dr. Johnson Akinleye

    Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebration
January 19, 2020

Dr. Johnson O. Akinleye - Keynote Speaker
Chancellor of North Carolina Central University
Durham, NC

Sis. Marie Dixon, Chairperson
Takesha Murphy and Minister Geraldine Bryant at Sunday School before Black History Program
Kemani Rivers and Y'Anna Rivers dressed in their African  attire.
The Youth Choir dressed in African attire for the day.
The guest speaker and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Smith
Mrs. Tanya Smith, introduced her husband as the Black History Speaker
Mr. Smith, educator and mentor, was the guest speaker for Black History Day.

Black History Celebration
February 23, 2020

Chairperson - Sis. Earlean Rivers
Michael receives certificate of membership and other documents
Aunt and members of church wish him well.
Mothers of the church welcome Michael to First Baptist

Michael Moore

Joined- February 23, 2020                   Right Hand of Fellowship - March 8, 2020 
Preparing for Service with usher from Andrews Chapel
Deacon Jesse Smith
Roosevelt and Marie Dixon, members of Trustee Board
Patrice Fields, Diane Herring members of the Trustee Board
Mother Angie Smith
Mrs. Janice Thomas, First Lady
George Cooper and Johnny Best members of the Trustee Board
Minister Geraldine Bryant
The Male Choir from Andrews Chapel
Christopher and Tyler Murphy wrote a poem for Rev. Thomas
Elder Gerald Underwood, Andrews Chapel
Musician from Andrews Chapel
Deacons Leroy Dewitt and Jesse Williams
Musician, DeOndra Peterson, here at FMBC
The Mayor, Rev. AJ Connors
Mother Loretha McCoy presents gifts to our pastor
Mothers Janie Lowe, Janice Moore and Loretha McCoy
Mother Bernice Drayton
Rev. Thomas makes remarks
Rev. and Mrs. Theodore B. Thomas

             Rev. and Mrs. Theodore B. Thomas
                Pastor's Eleventh Anniversary

Given by Pastor's Aid
Chairperson - Sis. Angela Mainor

Guest Church - Andrews Chapel
Elder Gerald Underwood, Pastor

Celebration of Life

Mrs. Gloria Williams Bowden
January 24, 1932    -   January 12, 2020

Black History Celebration

February 27, 2022

Sis. Earlene Rivers, Chairman
Sis Patsy McCoy - Guest Speaker

Gift bags from Youth Department
Earlene Rivers introducing guest speaker
Our musician, DeOndra Peterson
Guest speaker, Patsy McCoy
Rev. Theodore Thomas
Earlene Rivers presenting gift to Patsy McCoy
Earlene and Patsy
Mrs. Drayton and Jackie Drayton
Members and friends in their African attire.